2020 Issue 4


At Last, A Vaccine! What Does It Mean For Employers?

With the FDA’s issuance of an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for multiple COVID-19 vaccines and vaccines becoming more widely available, many U.S. employers, eager to safely transition employees back to work or transition workplaces back to normal, are considering implementing vaccine recommendations or mandates in the workplace. The fluidity of the pandemic has yielded yet another decision point for employers — can employees be required to obtain a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of employment?

At Last, A Vaccine! What Does It Mean For Employers? Read More »


America’s Truckers Are An Important Line Of Defense Against Human Trafficking

On any given day, there are tens of thousands of people being trafficked into and within the United States. A large percentage of these victims are minors, often young females, who are brutally forced to perform commercial acts of sex or labor against their will. January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month. At its core,

America’s Truckers Are An Important Line Of Defense Against Human Trafficking Read More »


Member Focus – Getting To Know Lindell Sharp Of Givens-Houchin Inc.

Sim Houchin was a Kentucky dairy farmer and entrepreneur who started a trucking business in 1953 to haul milk for himself and other dairies located locally and in adjoining counties. When the dairy business began producing Grade A milk instead of canned milk, he adjusted his tanks and continued his business.

Member Focus – Getting To Know Lindell Sharp Of Givens-Houchin Inc. Read More »


Message from Rick Taylor

Exercise equipment and weights have been flying off the shelf this past year as people have been stuck at home, and they want to remain in shape or get into shape without risking exposure by going to the gym during the pandemic. I am not one of those people. Other than sports, I am not much of a tv watcher but, I have been busy catching up on Netflix shows that I heard people talking about or referencing, such as Ozark, Schitt’s Creek, The Queen’s Gambit, Dead to Me, All American, and Bloodline to name a few. My sedimentary ways have resulted in the dreaded COVID 10 – extra pounds. As I recommit myself to healthier habits, it crossed my mind that KTA should examine what is important for us in 2021.

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